6th June 2023
To all SCG/SNF members
Many of you will recall that in December 2019 a Neighbourhood Forum was established withthe support of our local community to develop a statutory neighbourhood plan for Sandbanks. The aim of the plan is to set out a vision for our unique peninsula and to give the community a greater role in the determination of planning applications. Neighbourhood plans are therefore one of the best ways of ensuring that developments are appropriate.
Despite the disruptive effects of the Covid pandemic, a final draft of the neighbourhood plan was prepared and made available to the community for comment last summer. The response to the draft plan from the community has been extremely favourable and BCP Council (as local planning authority for our area) has now been able to sign off on it. They will now publicise it, make it available for inspection and invite anyone interested to comment on it by a specific date (not less than 6 weeks from it being publicised).
An independent examiner will be appointed by the local authority with the consent of our Forum to examine and report to the local authority and ourselves on theplan. The independent examination will consider the submitted documents and any comments made during the consultation period on the submitted plan proposal. The independent examiner will examine whether the plan meets the ‘Basic Conditions’ and other relevant legal requirements (e.g. consultation). We expect this process to start in July.
If the plan is found to be satisfactory (i.e. complies with the key legal requirements) with modifications if necessary, then the local authority must arrange for a referendum to take place.
If more than 50% of those voting in the referendum vote ‘yes’, then the local authority willbring the plan into legal force.
Once our Neighbourhood Plan is made (i.e. brought into legal force by the local authority), it will be used to determine planning applications and guide planning decisions on Sandbanks.
The plan can be viewed online by going to www.sandbankscommunitygroup.com/neighbourhood-plan or clicking on the link to the neighbourhood plan that is in the pop-up box.
It is proposed that an AGM for the Neighbourhood Forum be held immediately after theSCG AGM on 30th June for which notice is hereby given.
One of the items on the agenda is the re-election of the committee. In the natural course of events, some of the committee have found themselves unable for various reasons to continue to serve and have retired.
Currently the committee is:
Robert Webb (Chair)
Tiffany Chawner (Vice-Chair)
Paul de Cordova (Secretary)
Alison Sepping (Treasurer)
Anthony Vickery (Membership Secretary)
The current committee are happy to continue in office and be re-elected at the AGM, but would welcome others who are able to offer a bit of time and experience to assist in the work of the Forum.
Volunteer committee members required.
We are anxious therefore to see if there are other Forum members who would be willing to serve on the Committee and/or volunteer to assist over the next few months -primarily facilitating community response initiatives around the ballot.
If you are able, please email direct - bertiewebb@gmail.com
Thank you for your help and support.
Best wishes
The Committee – Sandbanks Neighbourhood Forum
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